I'm fermenting in the downstairs bath so I can fill up my beer room and ultimately keep the fridge well stocked with well made beer.
My fridge is swelling with beer.
But I'm concerned with my Oktoberfest. I made it twice this Fall. and recently have had a side by side tasting of both versions.
Don't let the different names throw you off. Eric's was first.
I turned the yeast around for a second batch the day after I bottled it.
I tasted both a few days ago and can find no significant differences between them.These beers are decent. Just not great.
Don't misunderstand. They're both a pretty good representation of the Oktoberfest style.
Both have a good drinkability.
But my standards are pretty high and this beer isn't the greatest.
I put this beer in a Memphis competition so I guess we'll see what the judges say.
Good Beer To You.