So as I began to bottle a delicious IPA a couple of weeks ago, I decided to package some of it in plastic soda bottles I've recycled.

Plus I can save my glass bottles for home.
I have put beer in these before for canoe trips and they work well.
Anyway, I only make note of it as encouragement to anybody out there who's wondering if it can or should be done.
On another note I bottled an Irish Red on Thursday that I'd made 12 days earlier.
I called it Ruby.
The beer tasted pretty good as I took a gravity reading but, to me, looks too dark and isn't red enough.
This isn't my recipe. And I'm sort of bummed about the color since I got the recipe from a reputable book written by a couple of brewers considered to be among the best.
That's not to say their formula is bad. I may simply have bought the wrong grain for this beer.
I guess we'll see what the color looks like after Ruby carbonates and I get her into a tasting glass.
Good Beer To You.
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